My fave couple in Soshi: TaeNy.I found the most perfect description about how you feel when you fall in love with someone. In a fanfic. How awkwardly beautiful.
It's from a YoonYul fanfic called "The Upward Fall". Such beautiful and wonderful phrases. To those who despise and think that fanfics are just people who imagine their idols as couples, I'm sorry, that is the beauty of a fanfic.
Here's the best description ever:
"You've been in love before, right?" she asks me candidly. Of course, I tell her. "Then you know what it's like when you first meet them. You're a mess because your brain and your mouth refuse to cooperate and the person you thought you were is nothing like the person they're changing you into. No one makes you feel as weak and vulnerable as they do and you once thought it'd be the worst possible feeling in the world but instead, it turns out to be the best."
"I watch her speak and become struck with an odd feeling of jealousy. Her description is nothing like anything I have ever experienced and I find myself doubting if I truly have ever loved.
"But that's supposed to pass," she continues. "You're supposed to get over it after a while and get back to normal. I haven't though. I'm still falling for her and I don't know when I'll stop."
"Maybe you're falling upwards, then," I suggest jokingly.
"But she doesn't find it as humorous and nods her head understandingly.
"Maybe."I just loved that whole description about falling in love with someone for the very first time.
"You're a mess because your brain and your mouth refuse to cooperate and the person you thought you were is nothing like the person they're changing you into. No one makes you feel as weak and vulnerable as they do and you once thought it'd be the worst possible feeling in the world but instead, it turns out to be the best."How do you top that? How do you? Although I have no experience in love or anything, this is just an epic sentence. I teared up badly after reading that sentence.
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