Today I went out shopping. Alone.
No one was with me, which was quite awkward, since shopping is to be done with a partner or more.
But yeah, I do feel a tad bit free to roam around, get what I want, browse what I feel, eat what I crave for.
It seems usual for me to be alone.
I used to walk alone, drive alone.
Heck, I even stay alone.
I'm starting to feel like a recluse. Don't get me wrong, I like it.
I like it when I stay at home, watching my fave girls. Laughing like there's no tomorrow.
I like it when I walk alone, I feel the breeze, I take in the scenery.
I like it when I eat alone, I savour the food for good.But,
what I really want is to be with you. I miss you with all my heart.
오랜 세월이 흘러도 영원히 너와 꿈꾸고 싶어
(Even a long time passes, I want to dream forever with you)
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
1 week ago
1 backlashes:
miss those times when i was in uni hostel...
And i enjoyed watching movie alone...
but i hate having meals alone...
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