Feeling abit down. Need to write more of my thoughts right now.
I've seen so many people commenting on what I write in my blog.
But as you can see, there's no one leaving comments.
Ahh...you do know there is one thing called 'word of mouth'?
I simply have to say this.
Thanks for reading my blog.
I do know that blogs are for people to read.
You can leave your comment here too.
But please do not go and :"hey, have you read her blog?"
"She said something about you...blah blah blah."
Oh, so now I'm a gossip girl?
So now I do stir shites?
I wanted to rant out.
but all I got were hearsayers spinning the web of lies.
And don't think I don't know who you are.
You can invite people to read.
If you think you don't like what I write, tell me TO MY FACE.
Not discuss with your sleazy friends, who happen to be my friends too.
If you read it and don't feel like commenting, then don't.
And by not commenting, you do not tell to others.
Keep it to yourself.
I know who reads it.
I know who 'invited' others to read my blog.
So I just had to rant this out.
Well, if you don't like it, then TELL IT TO ME.
Maybe I need to change crowds. Just maybe.
I need a life too.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
1 week ago
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