Crappy photos I know. Sorry.
I couldn't get my lens in time, so I was praying hard that it would suffice for me. WRONG.
Anyway, here are some pics when I went to see my lovelies.
I couldn't get my lens in time, so I was praying hard that it would suffice for me. WRONG.
Anyway, here are some pics when I went to see my lovelies.
Am waiting for the 3 ladies... (no am not talking to you-know-who. just obligatory photo for the fan's club).
AHHHH...I hear sounds....and the emcee said: "I think S.H.E is here"...
OH NO. *pushing from behind ensues*
See!! See! My Hebe!! Managed to capture them when they arrived. HEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBE!!!
This is really horrendous. You couldn't see me. I was pushed soooo hard against the barrier that now my arms hurt.
Pose 1 for S.H.E robots.
And pose 3. Ella was really happy that day, despite all three of them were having a bad flu.
We were the first club here. Dunno what to do when they had all the committee come up. Wish I was on stage...Hebe...mmmm....
Funny thing. We were wondering whether Yan Wan Qian, the Astro Talent Quest 2008 champion was to come, since she was a big fan of S.H.E and my Hebe (MINE! MINE!). She didn't...until around 10pm, my friend saw her rushing over towards the stage, let them sign their album, passed her album to them, and went off. WoW. Must be one happy lass. Wish I was famous too.
Was really happy to see them. Once a year was enough for me. And they were in a jovial mood, saying nonsense on stage, cracked us up real good.
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