Ehem...i have to be frank here, I''m NOT in a relationship, nor do I harbour any good feelings towards any male species around me!!
Recently, I have heard some stories that couples are starting to fall out of love, or wanting to break-up cuz they are either sick or fed-up of each other. So I'm here to give my two-cents worth.
So, how do you measure love?
By how long izit? Or how deep? (cue How deep is your love~~~~)
Actually, I dunno, it's just that people are so fast-moving that even relationships are like fast food: you eat fast-fast, then habis dah, u buang aje..
Neways, my friend suggests that these people might have been going through a rough patch. They should concentrate in making their realtionship, you know, reignite their love?
Aih...I'm abit bored about this topic liao (now am hangat hangat tahi ayam), so anyone wanna comment?
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
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