I found this in a lot of blogs, so I decided to post it meself.
5 things found in my room:
1) IKEA cupboards and drawers (nice!)
2) Memorabilia
3) Magazines (I have entire collection of epop magazines!)
4) A bed that looks like a maid's bed
5) Termite container (my room infested with termites...bcoz of IKEA)
5 things I’ve always wanted to do:
1) Clean my room and house
2) Earn money!
3) Find time to sleep
4) Shoot a music video, indie film, short film, commercial, etc.
5) Travel to nice places (like Europe, Australia, Taiwan, Japan....)
5 things found in my bag:
1) Notes
2) Mobile phone
3) MP3
4) I don't know what else
5) Rubbish gua....
5 things found in my wallet:
1) Hideous MyKad and Driving license (looks like I had a bad day when I took it)
2) Money...what else?
3) Ang Kong Hoo (talismanic stuff, I'm terrified of bad luck and you-know-whats)
4) My trusted Bank Card (ATM)
5) Various cards that I might not give a hoot
5 things I’m currently into:
1) Blogging
2) Reading other people's blog
3) Sleep
4) Eating nice food!
5) Cure my cough, gastric, etc...
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
1 week ago
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