Can I have one of this? Oops no. He's taken.

Did I give him this panty? No.
Curtis: Can you take me home? I'll cook for you.
Me: Ooh yes.
6. Do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional wedding?
Lemme see. I do want something very light, and simple. Traditional weddings are a bore. You gotta do this and that, and you gotta follow it very strictly, like a fire drill where you have to go where, do what and in the end, its a disappointment where some old aunties will say the food's not that great or too boring. Beach wedding would be nice, but it gets sticky in the end, I mean our skin and feet. I can't think of anything right now, get back to me when I have someone who I like? Thanks.
Eh? You mean with all the 'We're getting MARRIED, you blind people!!!" motifs? Oh. NONONONONO. Nothing at all. Red seems fine, but don't be all blood red, it makes the whole event like some triad member sploshing red paint on your door! Not white, in case I kena the 'monthly issue'. Beige would be nice.
You know, I suddenly remembered that there's one kind of wedding where everyone is invited to a place or a cruise ship, and they kinda have the honeymoon together with the guests that bride and groom invited. URGH. That is one big mistake. Who would wanna spend the first wedding night with rowdy guests and relatives??? WHO?? When you wanna spend some quiet and ahem time, you can't help but be afraid they might be keeping an eye on both of you! AH. Back to the question. I kinda like London or Paris, or even New York. Or Hokkaido. Or the Carribeans. But anyway, wherever is nice when you have someone you love with you. Even if it's Cameron Highlands or Redang Island.
My family, his family. Some people who I think can behave well. Not those rowdy arses that drink and get ballistics. Like dad's friends and some of his family. URGH. Some friends that I think I still would be friends until that day. I wouldn't mind around 100 people that day, compared to 1000 people you don't know. If 1000 that is, I can open a concert! Haha.
10. Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
Simple. VERY SIMPLE. No wedding dresses with train like Princess Diana's. Just simple dress (can't believe I would wear a dress that day!), and a small bouquet of flowers? God I don't like flowers. Then food would be marvellously subtle yet extravagant in taste. I've tasted BAAAAAD food in a wedding, to which I was very HUNGRY since the 3rd course. No chinese meal in courses unless it's delicious. I can't starve my guests, right?
11. Do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own??
Errr....can I not have vows? I'm not actually stellar in public speaking, let alone exchanging mushy stuff in front of so many people! Darn...err...if I haaaadddd to, then I'll do it myself. I remembered watching one episode of Friends where Monica and Chandler were doing their vows, Rachel and Phoebe were so touched with Monica's, while Joey and Ross were laughing mad with Chandler's. In the process, Chandler stole Monica's vows and changed the names! Hmmm....if my husband were funny...then he might end up like that. Just simple stuff would do lah!

12. How many layers of cake do you want to have?
I've seen cheapo people using fake layers, and then pretend to cut one layer like they have 4-5 layer!!! YOU CHEAP LIARS!! If you can't afford them then just do 1 or 2! Cheaters. Back to me, I'd like 1 or 2. Or see how many guests that I've invited. Simple. NO FAKE LAYERS!

In Nigella's words, hideous.
13. Do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or at a simple place?I'd like it somewhere else. You can't find a hotel that is simple, 'cause they tend to have typical settings to it. But if I can really find some hotel that I like, there's no harm. Provided they have excellent service or food.
14. When do you want to get married, evening or morning?
Possibly when it's not too sunny, you wouldn't want the bride and groom, and everyone squinting their eyes right? I really hate those chinese weddings where the groom has to 'fetch' the bride at a specific time, and it's usually morning. Have to wake up damn early to do make-up and put on the wedding gown. Darn. Hate it. Can't we be flexible?? AH, IF YOU INVOKE THE GODS THEN YOUR MARRIAGE WILL NOT BE SMOOTH AND HAPPY. Hmmph.
16. Do you like a grand entrance for your groom/bride?
No. I do not like people staring at me. Can I just stand there and wait for the groom instead?
17. Name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding??
Erm. I guess no SHE songs, 'cause I would be singing also. HAHA. I dunno, haven't found a perfect song.
18. Are you a morning person or a night person?
Night person. Definitely. I always get some ideas or stuff to blog about when I lie in my bed. But am too lazy to do anything. In the end, I'll forget everything in the morning. Bah.
19. Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
A light one of course. Solemn one means every single person would be pulling long faces in that ceremony. And I don't look good when I am solemn.
20. What age do you want to get married?
When I do find someone I guess. I'll just keep trying. But after 50, I think I will give up. No hope then.
21. Describe your ideal husband/wife.
Zac? But he likes long hair, and quite vain I guess. Just simple clean cut look would do. It could be like Leehom, but he's a workaholic. I can be quite dependent if given the occasion. Well, as long as he's okay then I don't mind.

22. Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
It all depends on the food I guess.
23. Champagne or red wine?
Champagne seems light enough. I don't really like wine and stuff.
24. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
Right after, 'cause I'm one person who will do things right till the end. If you leave it like that, then I won't have the mood anymore.
25. Money or household item?
Money. No household items. I dunno how to use them anyway.
26. Who will pay for the bills?
He would. But I might foot some. Might.
27. Are you ready for married life?
I guess so. Some of my friends are married with kids. Darn. Must be getting old. But married life is another dimension altogether, so I'll have to think twice.
28. Do u think you will still be a virgin until u get married?
Harharhar....would my mom see this?? Errr....she thinks that we dunno these stuff. I hope that I will be 'happy' when I get married. 'Cause guys are hard to please, and so am I. Does that answer your question? *face reddens*
29. Will u always be true to your wife/husband?
Cancerians and those who are born in the year of the ox are noted for loyalty. Whaddya mean I will always be true to my spouse or not? What kind of question is that?!
30. How many kids do u like?
I dunno. Seeing that I'm the one who will be popping them in my oven, 1 or 2 would be fine. But that all depends on him.
31. A new house for a newly wed or an old one?
New one, and a very spacious one. I don't want to clean them everyday, so a service apartment would be quite nice. Lazy mah.
32. Will u celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?
Till death do us part?
33. What kind of cuisine would u like for ur wedding?
Something simple. Something Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver, Nigella Lawson, or Kylie Kwong would do. So they would be my cooks for that day! HA!
34. Will u record ur honeymoon in a cd or dvd?
Mmmm. Yeah. Of course. Would I include some steamy honeymoon action? I'm not Edison leh.
35. Whose wedding plans would you like to know next??? choose 5 people
Reuben Kang.
Canny Teh.
Elaine Tan.
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