How are those ways of being a better leading figure?
GOD! This is sooooo damn boring! Sitting around, nothing to do, just lazing and watching your fave shows (I’m currently watching a forbidden thing: Sex and The City). It seems a wonderful dream to those corporate slaves, and to those who need a break. Well, it does seem great until…
I stumbled across an article pinned on my brother’s room’s notice board. He’s left to go to Adelaide for his studies. So I went in, and looked at this article. It was an article about how to be a better father. Seeing that, it gave me strength to write about that in here, in my blog.
What’s to say about my father? Well, you can say that he’s been giving since these few years, And he’s constantly pushing us to do things. Things that we didn’t want to do. But, there’s always a but in these situations. I can safely say that whilst all of you may think he is good at what he does for a living, and he has been able to live his dreams, we, as children have not been doing well in our lives.
10 Steps to being a better father.
Why’s that? So you can change your dad? I’m guessing a big no-no. For one, you gonna get a man pissed. FREEKINGLY PISSED. I have my own thoughts and reasons. But one sure thing is that, you better keep your thoughts to yourself. I once wished that I can do what people in the western hemisphere do, speak out. NOPE. YOU KEEP IT TO YOURSELF, MISSY. Maybe that Talian Nur that we have right now is handy for me?
I red in that article that you need to have empathy during arguments. Well, hell no. Good luck when you pick a fight with him. Come to think of it, all of us will lose in that battle, no matter who you are. He thinks he is the ONE. THE ONE THAT WE CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT. HE IS ALMIGHTY BREADWINNER. You would think, aww come on, he’s your dad. You gotta give him respect. Yeah, I did. By keeping my fat mouth shut and keep on getting my income from him. Yeah, I did.
I just graduated, and I do need some time off to do my stuff. I wanted to set things right, and give myself some time to think about what I should do about my future. The he gives his POV about what I should do. Rake in big bucks. Do what you like. Oh, yeah. Like that’s gonna come rolling onto your lap. Cool.
Another thing high on the list is compassion. Okay, so he has compassion for the dog that we had at home. He has compassion to the car that he have at home. He has compassion to the deflated basketballs he left behind the laundry.
For now, I am keeping quiet. I have known a lot of stuff that he has did. And I could not do anything. Helpless again.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
1 week ago
1 backlashes:
Change the topic sentence, it's Letting Jesse outta da cage...
U good lor...can still watch Astro...nowadays also dunno what show is on lo...everyday lecture until 6pm makes me look like this
after class...u think i sgt syok izzit? Summore the people here have no shame! Da keh lun during lecture!! Pengsan... wtf... and my friend just told me today about him going to a recent occasion which was open-aired, and he said he saw a couple pulling their pants down and were about to f*** in front of the, my these people have no modesty at all, argh not to mention i saw a couple making out in McD's today!! Argh!! Everywhere is sex!!!
Anyways mom gave me that article lo...she told me to tengok and ask me if our Allahuakhbar Bodoh Man got do these stuff lo...she pin de...not me...="=
He does wat he wants, he has his own skewed view on life...and he pressures us to do whatever he wants us to do lo...agree...i never really talked to him since i came here...because i know i will blast him and then lose my benefactor like that lo...hehe...
Actually here's some food for thought...Nicole from nicolekiss is still a student, not a rich one and she's been travelling when she got save enough money her recent post about her sendiri go scuba at Sipadan...interesting lo...and that Taiping guy from Duke who cycled back to home recently leh?? Think about it...these people have nothing better to do also lo...but they chose to do something meaningful and worthwhile while they can...bcoz after u work u manyak bz wor...
My two-sen de idea lo...u gotta get outta ur crab hole and do something u haven't done before lo...i think Dad would support u if u have something to do even though it's not money raking... anyhow it's up to u...
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