BORING DAY AGAIN. My bro has been constantly saying my blog is somewhat of a complaint box for me. Well, I would like to say is that: It is. Since no one is interested in my writings, I might as well make this blog as an escapade from my daily problems. It is nice to express myself for once.
I finally got to watch an old movie, since it had been shown in cinemas for about 2 years ago? It’s a teen flick or some chick amateur flick of some sort (yes, I like chick flick, romantic comedies, etc etc. I know I am studied film, but hey, it’s what I choose to like, you horror-loving morons). Starring Jaycee Chan and Fiona Xie, the English title’s called 2Young (Chinese: 早熟). I was touched by it, with some power acting by 毛舜君and 黄秋生。He was particularly stellar when he tried to arrange stuff for Fiona Xie when he found out her daughter was preggers. She shouted to him:”You always arrange things for me! You don’t even know what your daughter wants!” That brought tears to me…*sob*
But what makes me curious is when both Jaycee and Fiona run off to the countryside to live together. Jaycee makes money by doing odd-jobs and Fiona becomes a cute little housewife. And how do they survive? By eating maggi mee and canned foods, scouring for fishes in a nearby pond and sweet potatoes in a field. Walaoeh, got so nice a place to stay in HK meh? Abandoned place in Sai Kung, with nothing in it, they decorated it like heaven, then rich girl Fiona learns how to cook and wash, like oblivious to the fact that she is pregnant! Then Jaycee like so good, get money and give it all to Fiona. (wow, girls would drool for it!) And they had a small argument about nothing to talk anymore, and the end of the argument. Wow…what a fairytale story.
Here’s the main point: what is really, the definition of staying together? Call it what you want, living together, shack up, cohabit, 同居, bersekedudukan…but what does it actually mean?I won’t Wikipedia coz I think it is lame to do so. I’ve had several friends who does that with their partners, recently a bizarre case where they actually live together without being acknowledged as partners yet. So…………….that is really odd. As per usual, I’m not entitled to give my POV so that I might AGAIN offend people. But does anyone read it? SOOOO CONFUSING…might as well blow my head off, you people.
My definition of living together would be like, ok, you guys wanna stay together for purposes of saving rent costs, fine. Will think of trying to live together to see if relationships do work after marriage, ok, fine. Will think of trying to live together ‘coz erm…we have been staying together for past few months and we just got into this relationship so..what the heck! We might as well stay together now! Erm…that is just plain weird. I’m not saying that these people wanna live together for the sake of ‘we lived together before’ thingy. Maybe I am a conservative person, maybe I am not. But I just can’t help to think that people who just hooked up a few days would live together just before! Is it plain foreplay? Or is it just I dunno, plain wacko job? What are the ramifications? You could be like over the relationship but have to still have to stay in the same freakin’ room until the tenancy is over. What would your parents say if they found out a guy that has only been going out with you for a couple of weeks waking up next to you, shirtless (I’m not saying sleeping shirtless with the love-of-your-life is not good. I’m just saying, if you have banged her, then it’s legally ok)? The effects of living together is not really good. I once contemplated in living together if I have a bf, which I don’t. But someone, let’s call her T, told me the best thing in relationships is to keep a distance from each other. If you live together, the chances are arguments and possibly sick of each others faces (that is, if you people like to eat each others faces when kissing). Maybe some people love the idea of living together. There are happy endings to living together. What I am saying is: think before doing it. And to my friends, you know who you are, what’s happened during that past few months, I have absolutely no idea. Mind clearing that up?
So what is the definition of living together? You tell me. If you happen to read this of course. ( But I doubt it)
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
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