Let's see...am I the firestoker right now? You be the judge.
Please dun confuse us all ok??? Change d title of bj coursework file
Hey...u get us all confused ok??Just nw i opened it, hoping to see our marks...then...All onli T1 marks!!!Kena tipu aje!Please lah...do be careful in putting topic names...Not onli T1 ppl surfing this page ok?Thanks...
"derrin_goh85" derrin_goh85@yahoo.com
Re: [BC_LM] Please dun confuse us all ok??? Change d title of bj coursework file....
"BC_LM" stand for Broadcast Last Minute... Nothingconfuse...
gan lim
Re: Please dun confuse us all ok??? Change d title of bj coursework file....
i'm not talking abt d title!!can u open ur eyes n seee???CHANGE D TITLE OF BJ COURSEWORK FILE!
"derrin_goh85" derrin_goh85@yahoo.com
something to say...
sorry to say...
the file was post at BC_LM...so definitely for BC Tutorial 1...
if the result is for whole BCY3S3, of coz will post at BC Y3
grace ring
Re: something to say...
Before surffing any page or site on the Internet please check whichthat you are surffing... enter to the right site.BC_LM is obviously for T1.. of course only consist of T1 stuff...nothing less...We welcome other people to visit but please be clear what you arecommenting...
Re: something to say...
Although BC_LM is for T1 only...but...the front page does not statethat it is only for T1 students only. This can somehow create aconfusion for the other tutorial group...moreover, if it is a privateforum, then I dunno why we are not entitled to access this forum. Weare a team, a pioneer team, unless we segregate each other likeenemies, then why not share what we have? It is an era of freedom of information and speech, thus we should be sharing out our information.If i do offend any of your T1 compadres, then i offer my deepest and utmost apologies.Thank You Very Much.Only my 2 cents worth.
"derrin_goh85" derrin_goh85@yahoo.com
2 cents apologizes?? only.... cents
this is the last thing i want to say:sometime we open our house for others to visit,and welcome them tovisit anytime, but does not mean the "guest" has the right to commentthe house whether the house is comfortable to him / her ... and we donot need to state clearly that the house belongs to "us", and we havethe right to put any colour to our house. so, i think the page ownerdoes not need to state clearly this page is for t1, even she welcomeother people to visit.also, i do welcome comment from others but manners do matter. by theway, friends from t1 stop me to comment again... so i think i shouldRESPECT them, because this page belongs to them too!
Re: something to say...
the better way to stop be enemy is shut ur mouth up at the right time.whats wrong with u? if so dissatisfy then just get away la from thisforum le. don take for granted n think someone have to prepareeverything here for anyone. learn to be appreciate since u never putany effort here to benefit anyone so long.so, don try to say wat shareanything we got and bla bla bla all nonsense. why have to create suchambiance here? third year last sem, as u know, we do have a goodrelationship with other tutorial group so far. so don try to playsb.off against each other。 thank u very much too !
stop fighting~be peace
ya...i agree~~save the time to male frens better than this.DO REMEMBER:don't rely on others to give u anything...
"wong jing xiao"
What I didn't know was that it was 'meant' for a tutorial group...stupid me...but I dunno why my friends have this forum address. Turns out that it was given to her by a friend who invited us to go there.
BC@LM is for all of us
please... stop fighting, ==+though this group was for T1 when firstly created, its belong to all of us since i invited T2 and T3's friends to join and changed its front page picture to the current 1. if this changes make anyone of you unhappy please forgive me, i apologize. we all are classmates, why can't we share things that we have here? however also we all are gonna graduate very the soon, its no point to fighting to each other...
So I am really stupid. Stupid to fall in this trap...stupid to be me.
I am really dumb to act that it is a happy family forum.
Now most people will think that I am a troublemaker, after what I have changed to defend myself.
This is all too idealistic to me. Maybe I should know the cruel world.
Stupid Me.
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
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